Did u know that Germany is called "the country of poet and thinkers"?see why?

Germany is called "das land der dichter und denker"that means the country of poet and thinkers.Germany  has a deep history and has been a major player in Europe’s past.  From this stems a culture that is filled with meaningful customs and traditions, celebrated holidays and events, and myths and folktales.  Germans take pride in their traditional celebrations whether they are patriotic such as Tag der deutschen Einheit (Day of German Unity), religiously based such as Allerheiligen (All Saints) and Allerseelen (All Souls), well known holidays such as Weihnachten (Christmas) and Ostern (Easter), more personal events such as weddings, birthdays, and funerals, or large public events like the well known Oktoberfest.

Life Events


Life Events


One rule about German weddings is that a "special" place is to be chosen for the wedding, rather than following the general rule of having the wedding at the bride's family church as done in some cultures.  The bride should carry salt and bread as an omen for good harvest, and the groom should carry grain for good luck and wealth.


The parents of the child usually prepare his or her birthday parties.  Invitations are generally sent to other children.  At the party, drinks are served while the cake is being cut and then eaten.  Before being eaten however, the candles are lit and the visitors sing “Happy Birthday to You” or "Zum Geburtstag viel Glümlck” or others.  The cake usually has one candle per year of the child’s life.

German Folklore & Fairytales


The story of Cinderella is just one of the many Grimm Brother’s fairytales that teach German’s lessons in life.  Cinderella’s mother passed away and left her with her wicked stepsisters who force her to be their slave.  When it came time for the prince's dance, Cinderella was not allowed to go.  A little bird threw a beautiful dress down to her, so Cinderella went to the dance.  At the dance, the prince took her and did not leave her side the entire night.  As Cinderella left the dance, she lost one of her slippers.  The prince went on a mission to find Cinderella to make her his bride.  Finally, he found Cinderella.  He forced her stepmother to allow her to try on the shoe, the prince found his bride.  The evil stepsisters and stepmother were punished by birds for their horrible deeds.  This story continues to teach the lesson that for wickedness and falsehood, a person will be greatly and forever punished.

Hansel and Gretel

The Grimm Brother’s teach another life lesson through the folktale of Hansel and Gretel.  The father of the two and his wife could not feed the children, so they sent Hansel and Gretel into the deepest part of the forest to fetch wood.  All the children had to eat was a tiny piece of bread.  They had been in the forest for quite sometime before they found their way home, which pleased their father.  Later, they were sent even further into the woods again, but with less to eat.  The children were out until the next morning when they found a house made of sweets and began to eat it.  The woman of the house invited the children in and turned them into her slaves.  The children finally got away with pearls and precious stones.  They ran back to their father and his wife had passed away.  The lesson taught is that everyone can make it through the tough times and will succeed in the end.

Sankt Nikolaus

The day of St. Nikolaus does not come on December 25, but it comes on December 6.  When evening comes, the gray bearded man along with St. Peter the angel will come to each house’s door to ask about the behavior of the children.  In order to show their behavior, the children sing, deliver a verse, or show their skills in some other way.  The naughty children deal with the sinister companion, Ruprecht.  St. Peter, the Christchild, allowed the candle-lit Christmas tree and the placement of the emphasis on the birth of Christ shifted the role of St. Nikolaus to a gift-giver.  Knecht Ruprecht became the patron saint of Christmas and was called Weihnachtsmann or Santa Claus.

The Pied Piper

In 1284, the town of Hamelin was infested with rats.  Nothing the town tried would get rid of the rats.  A strange man came into town and said that he could get rid of the rats on his own.  At night, he started playing a song on his flute to entice all of the rats out of homes to where they would drown.  The mayor refused to pay the man, so the next day he came back.  While everyone was at church, the man attracted the children towards him and into a cave and were never seen again.  The legend of the Pied Piper is one based off of an event that really occurred in Hamelin.


German Holidays & Celebrations

German Holidays

Jan 01         New Year’s Day

Jan 06         Epiphany    

Apr 18        Good Friday

Apr 20        Easter Sunday

Apr 21        Easter Monday

May 01       Labor Day  

May 29      Ascensions Day

Jun 08       Whit Sunday

Jun 09       Whit Monday

Jun 19       Corpus Christi Day

Aug 15      Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Oct 03        Day of German Unity

Oct 31        Reformation Day

Nov 01      All Saints Day

Nov 19      Day of Prayer and Repentance

Dec 25      Christmas

Dec 26      2nd Christmas Day


The characteristic animals for the German Easter celebration are the “Easter Rabbit” and the “Easter Lamb.” Children believe that the Easter Rabbit comes on Easter Sunday and jumps around hiding Easter eggs.  It is a family tradition to have a breakfast with hard boiled eggs, and then attempt to find the hidden eggs.  They have a traditional joint of lamb, beef or pork.  People also make big Easter Fires to celebrate this holiday.  These fires are a sign of victory of light and warmth over the hardness, darkness, and coldness of the winter.

Day of German Unity

This is a national holiday in Germany commemorating reunification of the two Germanys after 40 years of separation.  Germany was unified on October 3, 1990. People come together in Berlin to celebrate the reunification.


Oktoberfest is a traditional festival that lasts two weeks.  In October 1810, Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese married, and invited the whole town of Munich to the reception.  The importance of the origin of the celebration allowed it to become a part of German tradition.  People dress in traditional clothing, and enjoy music, dancing and drinking.  Now, it has become a celebration of beer that draws people from all over the world.

All Saints Day

Halloween does not exist in Germany, but instead they celebrate All Saints Day on November 1.  On this day, families visit their relatives’ graves.  Afterward godparents come with gifts of braided sweet bread called “Strietzel” to their godchildren's homes.   "Strietzel" is a long bread, and it can be more than three feet long.  Germans can buy Strietzel from the neighborhood baker.
